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Is Trump Facing An Indictment?

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I agree that anything can happen.  However, I think we're going to see some real cracks developing in the Democrat Party as we march toward the 2020 election as leftwing extremists demand their piece of the pie.  The Bernie Sanders-AOC wing of the party has grown a lot stronger than they were in 2016 when they put up a good showing.  And those people, I should add, are scary.  They're the ones who, if they got power, would be curtailing individual liberties, legislating their leftist morality, fining people, and ultimately probably throwing them in jail for having the wrong political opinions. 

But I agree with you - if the Democrats were to find a moderate Democrat, they'd have a shot.  A person like Schultz might work but he's not known well enough.  More likely Biden or Kamala Harris would be stronger candidates.

Donald Baker:
Biden scares me as he might be able to unify the Democrats long enough to win an election.

Now that Mueller has released his report and found no Trump-Russia colllusion, I think the next step has to be to investigate how it all started.  It's too big to ignore.  And if such an investigation takes place, be prepared to see what is arguably the biggest scandal in American politics be revealed, especially if it implicates Obama.

Donald Baker:
Somehow I just don't think Obama will ever be implicated in anything.

Lol, yeah, probably true.  His supporters are too many and they undoubtedly want to protect his reputation and legacy.  Still, somebody has to be held accountable for what went on.  Imagine if it was discovered that George W. Bush had authorized surveillance on the Obama campaign leading up to the 2008 election, and that it was done under the false accusation that he was an agent of a foreign country.  The response by the left and the media would have been C-R-A-Z-Y.  They would have gone insane.  Immediately Bush would have been denounced as a racist, a Hitler-esque character.  A congressional commission or special counsel would have been quickly dispatched to look into the matter, people would have been brought up on criminal charges.

In real life, though, it was Trump whose campaign was spied on under the false notion that he was working with a foreign country. 

The media?  Virtual silence, but even that is deafening to my ears.


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