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Donald Baker

2024 Apr 26 11:53:47
Boy this site sure is dead.  Did the Rapture happen already? ;D


2024 Mar 31 01:32:32
Happy Easter! 🐰🐣✝️⛪


2024 Mar 29 16:59:45
Today is Good Friday. ✝️


2023 Dec 24 19:54:03
Merry Christmas, everyone. 🎄❄️🎅

Donald Baker

2022 Jul 16 15:33:06
Atheists...if any are lurking, join and defend your position on why God doesn't exist.  Agnostics you too...isn't it time to get off the fence and take a side? ;D


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A great prophecy teacher and pastor. The Modern Age Watchman on The Wall. Hopefully we will join you Hal very soon. Maranatha!


Will We Take On The Divine Nature Of God In Heaven?

Will we be granted that which Satan coveted? Access to the Divine Nature? How do we define the Divine Nature? Will we be like God or something lesser but still above the angels? Or something else entirely?


View of the Prosperity Gospel?

At least I think that's what it's called. I think it's the idea that earning of high amounts of wealth and/or luxury lifestyle is a reflection of divine blessing (?). Alright, I could be totally wrong on that, but I believe it's a general message among Joel Osteen and certain other...

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Early Church Heresies

Can you name any heresies in the first few centuries of Christianity and what they believed (in a nutshell)?

A few are:

  • Marcianism: believed that God in the New Testament was different from God in the Old Testament because their behavior was not reconcilable.
  • Gnosticism: believed in esoteric knowledge held

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Donnie, do you believe in Premillennialism? I thought you said you did a while back but I could be wrong.


What is necessary for Catholic/Protestant unification?

We've talked about this a while ago, but there are two fundamental questions regarding Catholic/Protestant churches:

  • Should they be brought into unity?
  • What would it take to make this happen?
Each of these questions is critical. To the first, I say a resounding "yes!". Unity should be a goal that is sought....

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Atheist Challenge - I Challenge You To A Debate!

Afraid you may have to acknowledge God exists? You better be. 8)


Sorry About Site Being Down

I hadn't been paying attention lately. I've been preoccupied lately with other projects.


Was Jesus a Pharisee?

I didn't realize that there was a question of whether Christ was a Pharisee. Reasons for this would be that they were centered in Christ's native Galilee, and He is also referred to as "Rabbi", which was a word which Pharisees called those within their ranks who were experts of the law.

Reasons against


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Old Testmant Jews: Monotheists or Monolotrists?

Did the Jews of the Old Testament believe in only one God (monotheism), or did they worship only one God while also believing in other gods (monolotry)? There are references in the OT (maybe the NT as well) which point to "other gods" (such as the First Commandment), which at the least hints...

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Merry Christmas!

Hope your holidays are merry, memorable, and momentous!


Are religious kids less generous?

Well, well. Look at this.

Does a Religious Upbringing Promote Generosity or Not?

It appears that an article from 2015, in which a researcher claimed that data supported the idea that religious upbringing led to kids being less kind than non-religious kids, has been retracted because the data on which


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How should Christians react to extraterrestrial intelligent life?

What would happen if we ever encountered intelligent alien life? Would it change people's views on Christianity or Christ's redeeming plan? I am pretty confident that first contact would cause one of the most massive developments of theological literature the world has ever seen.

In any case, this


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What's the best 6+ minute song of all time?

What's your pick?


Theology of the Trinity

How developed is the theology of the Trinity in the Bible, and is it only found in the New Testament?


Thoughts On The Kentucky Derby Fiasco?

I think the decision was the correct one technically, but it didn't decide the outcome of the race. Yet, it may prove to be beneficial to the horse racing industry nevertheless. Thoughts?


March Madness 2019

My pick is Virginia to win it all.

Right now, looks like Minnesota is about to come away with the first mild upset of the tournament with a win over Louisville. Sad because I picked Louisville to win this round in every single one of my brackets. :(


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City of God

Anyone read it? I heard it was considered one of the greatest books nobody ever reads. I'm curious about it now. I've read (parts of ) Augustine's Confessions, but not City of God.


Making pro sports better

I've been learning more about soccer leagues over in Europe recently and how they are different from American professional sports leagues. In particular, the English Premiere League is made up of something like 20 teams, and the lowest-performing teams in the league get demoted to B-league status, while


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The purpose of a business owner

What is the goal of a business owner? It is just profit within the realms of lawful conduct, or something else?

Ok, with that said, I'm going to throw a curve into the mix. What is the goal of a Christian


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Black Hebrew Israelites

They've been in the news a lot the past week. How much, if any, are the related to actual Jews in terms of theology? To whom do they appeal?

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Starting A New Job Monday!

I am now a Pricing Analyst for Owens Corning! Don't have the MBA until May, but it has already paid dividends. I can't wait to get started!


Religions and morality

Are there any religions that do not also prescribe morality that governs human behavior?

Is that a good or bad thing?

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The Epiphany

We celebrated the Epiphany a few days ago, commemorating the arrival of the three wise men in Bethlehem and their giving of gifts to the Christ Child. The gifts, of course, were gold, frankincense, and Myrrh. I read a commentary on this that (if I remember correctly) said gold was essentially a gift


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Stocks Taking A Beating

How far into the new year to you predict this slide will go on? Are we in Bear Market?


Is there a point of making too much money?

There's an article that was published today about Jeff Bezos:

Jeff Bezos makes more per minute than you do in a year

They figured that when you combine Bezos' salary and benefits, along with his monstrous gains made through Amazon stock gains in 2018, his earnings-per-minute ranged from a low of about


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I Want Atheists To Debate

Give them to me! ;D


Are Twitter Ads good for companies?

Companies can use Twitter to engage with users in both macro and micro-oriented ways. While creating posts allows users to see what you say if they follow you or specifically find you in a search, Twitter Ads allows companies to inject their tweets into other users' timelines as "Promoted" tweets.


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Sustainability Programs

Are they trendy fads setup just to please the environmentalists and climate change crowd, or is it a new viable business model companies have to invest in in order to leverage a competitive advantage?


Is Trump Facing An Indictment?

I think I read on Drudge that Mueller said Trump will likely be indicted at some point? If he is, will he survive his term? If he does, will this mess convince him not to run for a second term?


Jews and the Messiah

I am curious: do Jews still actively await the Messiah? If so, what are their criteria for acknowledging him? It seems that the Gospel writers certainly left clues that would reveal Christ as the Messiah that the Jews were expecting, but evidently this was not sufficient for their belief. Therefore,...

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Harlotry in the Bible

It seems that in various parts of the Bible (passages from Revelation recently made me think of this) that harlotry is used as the most negative kind of reference. Why is this? I understand why it is a generally negative reference in the first place, but it seems like it has a special connotation....

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What has been the most racially/ethnically diverse part of the world?

I was thinking today about how racial/ethnic integration is a relatively modern thing in general. Historically, while you might have seen the occasional dark-skinned African person traveling through Europe (I recently read a reference to this happening during the reign of Frederick II), for the most


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Election Results Analysis

Dems take the House, GOP pads its margin in the Senate, and most of the Gubernatorial races remained with GOP candidates. Win for Trump? It appears he wasn't repudiated as the Left had hoped. What say you?


Business Practices, Tools, And Performance Metrics

Modern business has an array of practices, tools, and performance metrics available to managers to help them run as efficiently as possible. Some of them are:

  • Kaizen
  • Kanban
  • Point of Use
  • 5 Whys
  • 5S
  • Lean
  • PERT
  • Pareto Charts
  • Yamazumi Boards
  • Gantt Charts
  • ERP Software

I could easily add to this list. Can you think of...

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Does God Necessarily Have To Be Omnipotent?

First of all, we need to agree on a definition of "omnipotence." Does it mean God can do anything without limits? Or can it mean "sufficiently powerful/capable enough?" I ask this because of the philosophical problems of evil and of course the obligatory atheist paradox queries...

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Christ and Uber

Saw this on Twitter today...


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Biggest sinner in the Bible

Q: Who was the biggest sinner in the Bible?

A: It was Moses, because in a single moment he broke all of the Ten Commandments.

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Kavanaugh Confirmation

This has been one of the most contentious times in recent political memory. It feels like Vietnam between the left and the right; both sides battling it out over one man. The left attacking him with its arsenal of weapons, most likely because of abortion and what they fear could come in the future.


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Verses for occasions

Saw this on Twitter and thought it was kind of neat.
Bible Emergency Numbers: Quick Reference Guide


Favorite line from the Bible

Do you have a favorite line or verse?



Do all Christians (not just Catholics) believe in the idea of infallibility?

For Catholics, the Pope speaks infallibly in certain situations, though this is obviously rejected by Protestants. But both Catholics and Protestants agree on a different area of infallibility, which is the writers of Scripture.


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Nobody Is Beating Alabama This Year!

They will cruise to an 18th national championship. :-\


Getting real sick of Leftism

I'm still following politics but not getting into it as much as before. It raises my blood pressure too much lately. ;D
Just read this article about the EPA and it set me off enough to post something. Lol.
EPA watchdog to probe scientific integrity
I'm glad the Trump Administration is doing something about


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The 25 Most Important People Of The Bible

1. Jesus
2. Paul
3. Peter
4. Moses
5. Abraham
6. Mary
7. Joseph (the Patriarch)
8. David
9. Solomon
10. John the Baptist
11. John of Patmos
12. Adam
13. Isaac
14. Solomon
15. Esther
16. Ruth
17. Joshua
18. Samuel
19. Isaiah
20. Jeremiah


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I Feel More Sinful The Older I Get

I'm really struggling with patience, anger, and even my salvation right now. It feels like the older I get, the more hardened my heart becomes. With a harder heart, I am quicker with my temper and I really hate losing my cool. I feel like I'm slipping further into darkness and cannot stem...

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