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What is necessary for Catholic/Protestant unification?

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Donald Baker:

--- Quote from: Phidippides on May 21, 2023, 05:00:25 PM ---Is it considered to be a "bad" thing if a church leaves the Convention?  Or is it considered to be "neutral"?  In other words, I'm wondering if the goal (either stated or implied) is that Christianity would be better off as a whole if all Christians followed the Convention's doctrines, of if they don't think this isn't an issue.

--- End quote ---

I think the Southern Baptist Convention leadership would frown on it, but they literally have no authority to keep a church within its ranks.  Their oversight is very limited anyway so it's more about keeping connected to the rural churches who need assistance, and of course I'm sure the churches have to pay something into the SBC central funds where it can be redistributed to the more needy churches and outreach programs such as overseas missions programs.


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