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Will American break apart in next 50 years? Yes, says me

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Victor Davis Hanson has an article out:

Are We on the Verge of Civil War?

He doesn't really answer the question he poses, though.  But what I found great was the first comment by "Vitorious", that begins:

--- Quote ---To my fellow progressives:
If there is a civil war, we need to map a few things out. First, there are more guns in the country than people, we own almost none of them. The other side is well armed and motivated, they actually use their firearms so that's something we need to catch up on...
--- End quote ---


Donald Baker:
The only hope that the Left would have to win a shooting war would be to take control of the government and use the army against the populace or invite the UN to invade with a coalition of foreign armies.

Donald Baker:
Looks like our country is going to ve transformed without a shot being fired.  We live in very troubling times.

Donald Baker:
So Does America splinter in the next decade now that Roe v Wade has been overturned?  Or will it be sooner if Trump finds his way back into office in 2024?

Re-reading this thread from four years ago, it seems almost prophetic.  In fact, nothing about the original prediction has changed; we're just closer to a national division.

It does make one wonder, though, for how long this will drag on.  Could America be in a state of a "warm war" for another ten years?  Or more?  I'm referring to harsh and nasty political in-fighting, vigilante attacks, jailing political rivals, weaponizing law enforcement, and political moves that effectively destroy American government (e.g. packing the court).  I don't know the U.S. Civil War well enough to know how long things dragged on at an elevated rate before Harper's Ferry.


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