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Will American break apart in next 50 years? Yes, says me

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Donald Baker:

--- Quote from: Phidippides on July 29, 2022, 01:05:17 AM ---Re-reading this thread from four years ago, it seems almost prophetic.  In fact, nothing about the original prediction has changed; we're just closer to a national division.

It does make one wonder, though, for how long this will drag on.  Could America be in a state of a "warm war" for another ten years?  Or more?  I'm referring to harsh and nasty political in-fighting, vigilante attacks, jailing political rivals, weaponizing law enforcement, and political moves that effectively destroy American government (e.g. packing the court).  I don't know the U.S. Civil War well enough to know how long things dragged on at an elevated rate before Harper's Ferry.

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Democrats are already setting the stage for a Civil War if we have a hung election.  Bill Gates believes this.


--- Quote from: Donald Baker on September 30, 2022, 12:02:09 PM ---Democrats are already setting the stage for a Civil War if we have a hung election.  Bill Gates believes this.

--- End quote ---

I think the ball is pretty much in the hands of left right now.  They are tired of democracy because it doesn't allow them to achieve their objectives.  It hasn't for a while, which is why their main political agenda is to promote fear (of Trump, of mythical "white supremacists", of climate change, etc.). 

With this in mind, if the left wanted to abolish democracy, all it would have to do is to push people on the right far enough that at least some people react in rebellion.  Eventually, someone will react violently.  Even if it's a small rebellion (with 100 people or so), the left could use this as an excuse to crack down on the right completely, arrest GOP congressmen, perhaps suspend elections, etc. 

Donald Baker:
So you seem to be indicating provocation and even False Flags will be used to bait the Right into open rebellion so the Left, while still in power, can use whatever excuse they can come up with to suspend our Republic so they can crush dissent and remain in power perpetually?

Yes.  Consider these realities:

1) The J6 riots were relatively minor in terms of damage, and rioters caused no loss of life.  While conceding that the symbolic effect was high, the actual harm committed was quite low.  Nevertheless, the political left treated is disproportionately for political theater, even going so far as to claim it was "worse than 9/11".

2) We now know of at least some involvement of the federal government in the J6 riot.  The full extent is unknown at this time, but it appears that there was likely some instigation that is being hidden from public knowledge.

3) We know that the J6 riot served as a pretext for a massive crackdown on Democrats' political opponents.  This crackdown was not limited to hunting down those who committed felonies, but those who either committed very minor infractions, and in some cases, those who do not seem to have broken any laws at all.

4) We know the media plays an instrumental role in exaggerating events in order to favor a left-leaning worldview, while also excluding facts and storylines that would favor a reality-based worldview.  The power of the media in shaping public opinion is extremely high, and the political disposition of the media seems to be further and further to the left.   

5) We also know that the left is able to advance its policies most effectively in times of crisis or tragedy.  Consider how voting rules during COVID were modified to benefit Democratic candidates, or how gun restrictions gain the most support by politicians (even some Republicans) in the aftermath of mass shootings.

Put these all together, and we have a potential playbook for the left going forward.  They can have the federal government instigate some sort of event (#2) that is even somewhat minor in the scheme of things (#1), the media will attempt to craft public opinion about the event (#4), and the political left will be able to mobilize the federal government to target dissent (#3).  In addition, a strong psychological reaction by the public would create widespread support for laws or federal policies that institutionalize objectives that the left would not be able to do in normal times (#5).



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