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Donald Baker

2024 Apr 26 11:53:47
Boy this site sure is dead.  Did the Rapture happen already? ;D


2024 Mar 31 01:32:32
Happy Easter! 🐰🐣✝️⛪


2024 Mar 29 16:59:45
Today is Good Friday. ✝️


2023 Dec 24 19:54:03
Merry Christmas, everyone. 🎄❄️🎅

Donald Baker

2022 Jul 16 15:33:06
Atheists...if any are lurking, join and defend your position on why God doesn't exist.  Agnostics you too...isn't it time to get off the fence and take a side? ;D


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Philippians 2:12 says, "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling," English Standard Version

What does this verse mean to you?


John Locke's America vs Thomas Hobbe's America

We all know that the Founding Fathers used Lockean ideological principles to justify their drive for independence from England, and that those same principles were incorporated into the Constitution as well. But has America moved away from John Locke, and now embraced the "Leviathan" of Thomas...

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Did Jesus Try To "Market" His Ministry Or Did Paul?

Was the Sermon on the Mount a "marketing campaign?" How about when he raised Lazarus from the dead? Was the Golden Rule a marketing slogan? Or did Paul do the best door to door marketing campaign in the history of the world? If you were a marketing graduate student, how would you market...

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MBA program

Donnie, I'm interested in hearing more about your MBA program. Are you enjoying it? Are you on a certain track? What's been your favorite class so far? What made you want to go back to school and pursue your MBA? Just curious.


Will American break apart in next 50 years? Yes, says me

I have my reasons for this which I should probably detail in a longer-form blog post, but I can't see it ending any other way. America is doomed to break apart. The cultural divide is simply too great to sustain a unified nation. Think of any nation that has emerged through history, and it typically


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Most Controversial CEOs

If I omitted someone ;D please feel free to add them and why they are controversial.


Should Urban Meyer's career be over?

Do you think that Urban Meyer should be forced out of his job as head coach at Ohio State? Or do you think that he should be handed another sentence but allowed to keep his job?

As a follow up, if he is fired from his job, do you think another school would be in the right to immediately offer him a head


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The Unknown Constant In Calculus

I remember having to account for an unknown constant in Calculus. I was thinking, could or should scientists consider God an unknown constant until they can definitively eliminate all possibilities of the existence of God? It's probaby a stretch but I think it's worth some consideration.


The Coordinated Social Media Attack Against Alex Jones

How do you feel about what Apple, Spotify, Youtube, and Facebook have done to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones? Is he the tip of the iceberg to what is coming down the pike? Are we living in the era of what Clyde Lewis calls "unapproved knowledge?" Is there a monopoly on information by the...

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Trade war now involves Apple

This is interesting/alarming from today's news:

Apple could be used as a 'bargaining chip' in the trade war, Chinese state media warns

The government-propped paper had this to say"

...China doesn't want to close its doors to Apple despite the trade conflict, but if the U.S. company wants to earn good

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Biblical UFO's And The Coming Deception -- Chuck Missler


What Company Do You Dislike The Most?

Just curious. If you want to defend a company on the list be my guest. 8)


So What's Up With This Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Chick?

Why is she getting so much publicity? She is only moderately informed on what socialism actually is, and definitely has no clue what capitalism is all about. Judge Jeanine Pirro says she is backed by George Soros himself. She is thinking about running for congress and eventually higher maybe?


Trump baiting Lebron James

When I read Trump's tweet about Lebron James, I felt like shaking my head. Trump being Trump. Why bother to do this? I'm not a huge fan of James but it's not like I dislike him or think he's worth criticizing in public.

So why is Trump doing this? Could it be more strategic? It seems like Trump


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Context in biblical stories

Do you ever feel like you're missing context when it comes to biblical accounts? I do. I often find that stories seem to flow in a way that doesn't make sense to me. I realize that biblical authors probably weren't concerned with twenty-first-century expectations, and I suppose this...

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Should Donald Trump Meet With President Rouhani Of Iran?

I think it might actually be a good idea.

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The Levels Of Christian Maturity


MBA Programs

I'm currently enrolled in a professional weekend MBA program at the University of Louisville. Our normal student capacity is around 50, but my class only has 22 enrolled. So, of course, we are under enrolled and this is why we will be the last weekend class ever at UofL. Are MBA degrees becoming...

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Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Wal-Mart, & Apple

Are these corporate giants going to dominate all commerce eventually? I could throw in Disney, Comcast, and Time Warner as well. It seem like wealth is concentrating more and more and competition is going away? Is this an accurate statement or just how things appear?


Elisha's Curse Against The Youths Who Taunted Him

I've had conversations with critics of God and the Bible who like to point out the episode in 2 Kings 2:23–24 where a group of youths start taunting the Prophet Elisha about his bald head and for him to "go up" as if to follow his mentor Elijah to heaven. Elisha promptly curses them and two she-bears


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Is The Left Pushing The Boundaries Of The Law Too Far When They Criticise Trump?

I'm beginning to think that there needs to be a crackdown on these leftist groups and celebrities who are advocating a coup against Trump or advocate violence against him. It's getting beyond ridiculous at this point. I did not agree with anything Obama did, but I never ever considered physical...

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The Most Divisive Topics Separating Christians

  • Church Hierarchy
  • Baptism
  • The Trinity
  • Spiritual Gifts

Can you think of any other issues that prevent Christian denominations from unifying? Can a common ground be found or is the best strategy to agree to disagree for the sake of some cooperation? ...

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Does Donald Trump Help Or Hurt The Image Of Christianity?

Donald Trump has been very vocal and upfront about his faith and convictions. Given the degree of polarization his presidency has generated, has he hurt the image of Christianity? If so how? If not how?


Back By Popular Demand

Our old forum had some lively conversations about secular themed topics. Hopefully this will be the case again.


11 Year Old Earns Associates Degree Wants To Use Science To Prove God


Better watch out my atheist friends...he might just succeed. Then what? 8)...

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Take A Survey - Is Christianity In Decline In A Post-Modern World?


This is a general response survey. Very unscientific.

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The Rules Of Salvation

Outside of accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, are there any parts of salvation (i.e. the afterlife) that we can turn down? For example:

  • The Adoption
  • Sharing In The Divine Nature
  • Your New Heavenly Name
  • Being A Joint Heir With Jesus

In other words, do we have to accept salvation as it...

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A.D. Kingdom and Empire

If you are interested in a very compelling series on the early Christian Church, I highly suggest watching "A.D. Kingdom and Empire" on Netflix. The series came out a few years ago but I only watched it this past Spring. The series begin with the Passion and Death of Christ, but Christ is only on screen


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Recovering Some Of The Old Posts

There might be some old posts that can be recovered. I believe I gave Phid the last db backup of the old forum. If he still has it somewhere we could repopulate some old content so the forum isn't so barren. But if not, no big deal as I will be posting here regularly from now on so it won't...

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First Cause A Lesson In Logic

The premise is simple. The universe, and all that is in it, had to have a beginning from a first cause that itself had no beginning. Otherwise, what we would have is an infinite number of regressive causes that could never have gotten us to the present. For Christians, that First Cause is God. Therefore...

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Back In Business!

I decided to restart Christian Legacies. This is Christian Legacies 2.0. Content will be forthcoming in the next few weeks. Please be patient.

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