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Business Practices, Tools, And Performance Metrics
Donald Baker:
Modern business has an array of practices, tools, and performance metrics available to managers to help them run as efficiently as possible. Some of them are:
* Kaizen
* Kanban
* Point of Use
* 5 Whys
* 5S
* Lean
* Pareto Charts
* Yamazumi Boards
* Gantt Charts
* ERP Software
I could easily add to this list. Can you think of others? Would you like to discuss any of those I listed? ;D
I'm not a big fan of lean manufacturing. I think it's an unnecessary waste of production time. Most of the lean system is just common sense and should be practiced anyway. (Put the tools away where they belong. Yeah, no kidding.) Or maybe I don't like it because I'm just an old school grouchy old man.
I thought kaizen, kanban, and 5S were part of Lean?
Donald Baker:
Kaizen is lean manufacturing as is 5S. They are part of the Toyota Production System. Kanban is not necessarily lean. It is a pull system for materials that adds no value to the customer, but adds value to the company internally for efficiency in materials flow.
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