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Kavanaugh Confirmation
This has been one of the most contentious times in recent political memory. It feels like Vietnam between the left and the right; both sides battling it out over one man. The left attacking him with its arsenal of weapons, most likely because of abortion and what they fear could come in the future. Note that before Kavanaugh was nominated, virtually no leftists outside D.C. would have even recognized his name. Now, he's enemy number one.
I really hope that he is confirmed. If not, the travesty of justice would be high, as it would show the Democrats as a truly Macchiavelian party. Of course, if he is confirmed, this will results in the left going even more ballistic and possibly attempting even crazier things.
Scary times.
Scary yes. But isn't it interesting that even with an all out assault on anything Trump he still comes out winning. Gotta love it!!! 8)
Yeah, I am thankful to God that Kavanaugh was confirmed. It shows that the mob may be loud, but it does not rule. Did you see that video of people trying to claw their way through the doors when he was being sworn it? Or some of the other wacky videos of protestors? If Kavanaugh had been rejected, it would have emboldened them. This was also a rejection of other things, such as Democrat under-handedness, the mainstream media, the weaponized #metoo movement, Michael Avenatti.
Yes, another feather for Trump's cap.
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